Life Hacks

online magazines uk on working full time and looking after the house

Working housewife

Many women work two jobs - until the afternoon at the main job and later at home. How do you organise your day to have a little more time for yourself?
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best advice on household cleaning - while cleaning your toaster you always have to unplug it from the mains

How to clean a toaster?

Quite often we buy different, complicated in assembly, electric appliances, sometimes designer and expensive which are difficult to clean. How do you manage to clean the toaster?
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online magazines uk, Impulsive shopping can be dangerous for the wallet and the person’s psychology, because it often causes a lot of guilt

Control impulsive shopping

If during shopping you are guided by your emotions and not common sense, when you purchase things without a second thought it means that you may have a problem with impulsive shopping.
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Our household cleaning tips on living well and cleaning with allergies

How to clean a room? - allergies

Anyone who battles the allergy to dust knows how hard it can be. The dust is everywhere and there is too much of it. Therefore, you need to devise a safe way to clean the room of a person with allergies.
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Sometimes discounts are just a way to take advantage of customer’s naivety

Beware of the discounts!

Sometimes discounts may seem a little bit suspicious. People who see large "SALE!" captions on store displays are often being tempted by a little voice inside their heads, saying: “this is a real bargain, buy now!” Unfortunately, it may appear that stores are trying to take advantage of their customers’ naivety
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