
Online magazines UK - Bilingual children have a much better start in personal and work life than their peers

Bilingual child

Is it reasonable to teach a young child a foreign language? Will it use both the mother tongue and the second language well? Read our text to find out.
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Parents should control their emotions, not to say something they will later regret

Do not make your child a scene

Whilst angry, the emotions can take over. Often parents forget that they do not like it when someone shouts at them but then, upset by the child who is doing just that, they cause a scenes. How to avoid this?
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online magazines uk - Small children very quickly learn to swim, but they have to have good and comfortable start

Child at the swimming pool

The child should learn how to swim before it even begins to be afraid of water. To spare it the stress and the nerves, take a look at the methods of familiarising the baby with the water.
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women's magazines online, there are many myths regarding caring for babies which need to be solved

Myths about babies

There are many theories on the daily living of babies. As it turns out not many of them are true. We will reveal more in our article below.
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Healthy lifestyle for children - prepare your baby for sleep to avoid nightmares

Night fears of a toddler

Night is governed by its own affairs. The child's brain responds to stress and events of the whole day and during the night they can experience nightmares. How do you deal with the nightly fears of a toddler?
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