Pancake Day celebrations and recipe

Pancake Day is here

Pancake Day is here!

Every year there comes this magical Tuesday where all of us cause an extreme mess in our kitchens for one purpose... flipping pancakes. You can observe many celebrities and social media gurus attempting this challenge with more or less funny results.

But where do the pancake day actually come from? These days we treat it as a great way to get some yummy treats on the go in our homes. The actual history of a Pancake Day or Shrove Day goes as far as 16th century. In the past after Pancake Day, Christians would start their fast leading to Easter. They would give up many foods like fish, fats, milk, meat etc. Modern Christians who like to follow the Lent - which the fast is also known as - would not consume comfort food, cakes, chocolates or any particular foods that they find irresistible.

To celebrate this great day we put together a quick and easy Almond Pancake recipe which is delicious but also easy on the waistline. 

Let us know if you try them and let's share this great Pancake Day together!





(Serves 1-2)

  • 1 cup almond flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 3-4 tbsp. of coconut milk
  • 1 vanilla pod, split and scraped seeds out
  • 1 tbsp. of ground cinnamon
  • Coconut oil    



  1. Mix eggs, coconut milk and vanilla in a bowl and whisk together.
  2. Sift in almond flour and cinnamon.
  3. Heat a large pan over medium heat; add a tsp of coconut oil to the pan and add pancake batter in small rounds, quickly turning the pan around to spread the pancake.
  4. Cook until brown on the underside, about 45 seconds and then flip to brown another side.  





Author: Bien Magazine

Recipe: Dal Dhaliwal

Photo: Ash from Pexels


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