Tips for healthy lifestyle, transition into autumn with these tips could be a transition you love!

Be healthier throughout Autumn with these 3 tips

Fall is approaching, are you ready for another season? Greet it in the healthiest possible way with these tips!

Add Seasonal Superfoods to Your Diet

Few things add to the excitement of a new season quite like the vegetables that define it, and autumn is little different. There are many great options this time of year that can give you the added nutritional punch you need to stay healthy, and they can help get you out of the menu rut that happens so often in the summer. Pumpkins are always a great choice because they contain so much vitamin A. They're fairly flexible too, as you can go with soup, bake with them, or even just mash them as a side dish. Beetroot is filled with fibre, and those brussel sprouts are packed with the vitamin C that may help you ward off an upcoming cold. If you haven't had any UK grown sweet potatoes yet this year, you may want to add that to your list as well.

Head Outside

The heat of summer is gone, and it's left the lower temperatures and crunchy leaves behind. Why not go enjoy the autumn sunshine before winter sets in? Take the dog for a walk. Bike to work. Go the long way. Spending time outdoors will not only soothe your soul, but it can also increase the levels of vitamin D in your body. Some studies have even shown that it improves your concentration. You may even want to move your workout outside while it's still seasonable! Thirty minutes of raking leaves burns nearly 150 calories!

Consider a Cream Moisturiser

The air tends to become much drier as autumn hits, and while you may love your current moisturiser, you'll need to go with something a little thicker to combat the dry air. Consider a cream based choice because it has a stronger barrier, which can help to reduce water loss from your outer skin. You may want to get a specialised hand cream as well, because many people experience dry, cracked skin as the weather begins to cool.


Author: Mindy - Bien Magazine

Photos: DepositPhotos

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