get glowing skin in winter

Dump That Winter Skin

When you're in and out of the warmth and cold alternately, you're going to find a drying effect that you probably won't like. What can you do to keep your skin's natural beauty? These tips can help!

Start With Protection

Headed out into the cold? Protect your skin from the start. Wear a hat, gloves, and a scarf. Avoid wet gloves if you can because they can irritate your skin. If you only have wool gloves, you may want to add a layer to that mix. Use a thin cotton glove under the wool to help soothe irritated skin.

Humidity Matters

You're getting a very dry heat when you walk into your home. if you add a central humidifier or just one next to your desk at work, you'll help keep your skin from drying out.

Think Temperature

Whether you're washing your face or taking a shower, one of the best things you can do for your skin is to lower the temperature. Sure, that steamy hot water may feel great after being out in the cold, but if you choose lukewarm water instead, you'll stop stripping the natural oils from your skin, an important piece of the winter dry skin puzzle.


You probably saw this tip coming as soon as you read the headline, but you're going to have to add some moisture to your skin during the season. If possible, you'll want to use a cream or lotion right after you shower or wash. That will help seal the dampness deep into the layers of skin and keep you as soft as possible. You'll also want to pay attention to the moisturiser you use. You may want to switch to something oil based instead of the water-based variety you use during warmer months. That helps build a protective layer on your skin.

Water Inside

Drinking those glasses of water can help you keep your skin moisturised, too. Many people drink less water in the winter because they're focused on warmer stuff like cocoa or tea, but if you can keep up with your water intake, you'll find far greater benefits.

Finally, don't forget about your lips! They're likely to get fairly dry too. Exfoliate with a brown sugar scrub on a regular basis, and don't forget to moisturise!


Author: Bien Magazine (Mindy)

Photos: DepositPhotos


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