relationship tips and advice - husband and a lover in one house? Unfortunately stories like that happen in real life

Husband will keep you, lover entertain you

Our online magazines for women have a true story we want to share. A woman named Jenny had a complicated family life. Her relationship with the closest people were so odd that at the age of 38 she was sick and tired of her husband, so she decided to find herself someone who she will enjoy spending time with. There would be nothing odd about it if not for the fact that she chose not to divorce her husband. Everyone in the house and family knew about her friend. Her husband had nothing to say and stayed in this crazy situation. The children didn’t know which side to take.

Husband needed, because he earns money

Jenny spoke openly about the fact that she will not get a divorce because she does not want to be poor. The husband for many years earned much more money than her, therefore the family lived comfortably. This is only one paradox of this situation.

The second absurd is that the husband, a helpless and cowardly person agreed for Jenny’s friend to be in their family house every day. After a while he nearly became a lodger. The husband stayed in his room while Jenny welcomed her friend in hers.

Friend good, he is funny

Jenny kept her friend close by because he was funny, interesting, had many assets which the husband was lacking. Additionally, Jenny’s friend found a common ground with her two growing up kids, which were very challenging at the time. Jenny’s friend became the second, more loved “father” for her children. It is worth adding that the husband did not once react to the whole situation. He allowed someone to take his family away.

Why won’t you get a divorce?

The teenage children asked Jenny why she won’t divorce her husband if they are so unhappy. They always heard the same answer: “Your father earns a lot and my friend earns very little. Who will sustain us? Who will pay the bills?”

In this whole mad situation none of them were really grown up. Jenny clearly didn’t realize how much she was hurting her family – the husband and the kids. And the husband in silence suffered pretending that he completely didn’t care what happens with his family.

Of those who saw this terrible relationship unfold, the kids suffered the most. There is a worry they will repeat it in their adult lives. Jenny and her husband taught their children that loyalty in a relationship does not exist. If something breaks you should pretend nothing is happening. You could also find a friend to fill the void.


Author: Bien Magazine

Photos: DepositPhotos

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